Nigeria’s Democratic Enterprise Since 1999: A Preliminary Assessment

The Realities
Saying that our country Nigeria is blessed in every respect is saying the obvious.  What is it that we do not have in this country?  Well, we do not have natural disasters that make some nations around the world feel jinxed or cursed.  Imagine, and God forbid it, that we experienced the recent disasters in Chile or Haiti?  Maybe this is also why we have tended to take things for granted.  We just believe that things will be alright if we keep quiet, and don’t rock the boat.  It is best to be patient; your time to chop will come.  Others have gone as far as drawing up a pseudo-philosophical road map to what they call “you chop I chop.”  Yet, others go to the extent of leaving everything in the hands of God; they bother God with everything, while they sit down and do very little or nothing.  They do not reflect, organise, think, mobilise, or act on anything.  They forget that heaven only helps those that help themselves.  But you and I know that no country has ever made progress without discipline, focus, responsible and creative leadership, planning, investment, savings, productivity, stability, and good governance.  We cannot continue to hail ex-convicts and criminals and hope that the younger generation will take our preachments seriously.
Today, we are all shouting Obama! Obama!! Obama!!  We even claim that a black man has taken over the most powerful country in the world.  Someone on TV said that visas would now be available to all Nigerians to go to America: what a silly dream.  They fail to look at who Obama his, his antecedents, networks, investment in the people and community, fund raising strategy, organisational strategy, courage, vision and the environment in which he operated.  If Obama were a Nigerian would he win a Councillorship seat?  How many godfathers did you notice in his election?  How many Ghana must go bags full of dollars did you see? How many thugs did you see?  How many political clashes did you see? How many policemen did you see going about with Obama during the campaign?  Did you see electoral officers announcing results?  Can you tell me the equivalent of their INEC in America? Was there a broadcast by the Police Chief warning people on how to behave?  The questions are endless… but let us leave that matter for now.  America was not always like this and Nigeria is not America.  But, can we draw lessons? We do not need to reinvent the wheel!

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