The so-called rebranding project was one of the most misguided programs ever used to waste public funds in Nigeria. The originator never told us the philosophy behind it, how it related to national development and values, how it related to the overall world-view of Nigerians, and the structures, institutions and discourses that where to guide, monitor, review and direct the rebranding. We were never really told what we were rebranding and why it or they needed to be rebranded and the guarantee that after rebranding they would be sustainable. We did not know the real actors, their intentions, credibility, and relationship with the people, their communities and constituencies. We were just informed that we were a “great nation and good people” as if we did not know that already! The program missed the entire strategy and philosophy of rebranding and pursued the super-structural rather than the sub-structural: And that is where the problem really is.