Towards Building a New Nigeria: National Re-Orientation or Transformation?

The point I am making is that it is the popular content and context of any orientation project that defines and determines the extent to which the people key into it and remain prepared to defend it and if necessary, die for it.  The quality of leadership is equally critical here in terms of the level of integrity, dignity, capability, education, exposure, focus, compassion, engagement with the people, ability to vision, and strength of character in pushing and sustaining pro-people policies and programs.  Without such leadership, no orientation program can be effective.   Leaders that do not rely on bribery, nepotism, ethnic considerations and other underhand tactics in making political decisions. Leaders that are not known to be pathological liars, evil gatekeepers and opportunists in their relationship with other citizens even within their own parties.  The truth is that only leaders that create opening for new voices, new ideas, new consciousness and new technology and methods of politicking can give meaning and drive to orientation or similar programs.

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